Ram Charan is one of the most talented actors of South Indian film industry and his upcoming Telugu film Dhruva has created quite a stir. The shooting is yet to end completely and hence, Ram Charan is applying final touches. Although the story has been more or less covered, Ram Charan cannot do without the songs.
However, excitement builds as reports of him shooting songs in Thailand becomes available. In fact, pictures are also available right from the sets to prove its veracity.
The hot quotient of the pictures
While the pictures are proof enough, they are valuable for other reasons too. Each picture of shooting is celebrating the hotness of Ram Charan as he dominates the frame all the time. Not only he has a chiselled body, but also keeps the muscles toned. Most people would love to see this new look than Ram Charan has tried for being the police.
Change in routine
First of all, it is merely workout that is keeping him at shape. Rather, a complete change in diet has led Ram Charan to become vegan altogether. In fact, he has been training with Rakesh Udiyar who has become famous by training Salman Khan for the film Sultan recently. Even during Diwali, when no one gives a break in feasting, Ram Charan was sweating out as it was posted by his wife.
The surprise in the story
The most surprising thing regarding Dhruva as of now is that the songs are being shot at the end of the shooting and they are being shot at Thailand. The news has already excited fans regarding the visual possibilities. Moreover, Dhruva is heavily anticipated precisely because it has been deemed to be the remake of the Tamil superhit Thani Oruvan. So, with so much at stake, Ram Charan’s news is surely an affirmative one.
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